I am currently in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I have mixed feelings about this city and Honduras in general. There are many aspects of the place that I like and many more that I don’t. One thing I really like in Honduras is the old-time newsstand. They still have those here, which display the headlines and encourage folks to buy and read the newspaper. Albeit the news is not good in this photo (Ex-policewoman killed) it does attract attention to the newspaper.
This is a colonial city. You can appreciate the colonial beauty while looking at all the trash that fills the streets and the river. I do not like the streets. They are too narrow and cars drive like crazy. A taxi ran over my foot here.
Tegucigalpa (known as Teguz) does have a very nice and taxi-free pedestrian zone. There are plenty of restaurants, internet cafes and street vendors here.
If you like cool tropical weather this is the place to visit. It is surrounded by mountains and temperatures dip into the 50s (Fahrenheit). I have visited this city twice. I don’t know that I will come back. I might. I did celebrate my birthday here today. Cake and coffee.
Here’s to another year, here or somewhere else. I drank coffee today and read all the Facebook wishes from my friends. Gracias por todo! I have the best friends in the world.
Ouch! Cake makes you feel better.